Thursday, March 14, 2013

Simplify and Compartmentalize.

In approximately 3 weeks, Tramanh and I will be heading to Vietnam for a 9-day vacation.  Even though this is my second time visiting, I'd like to consider this visit a first time "do-over" considering my last visit was 13 years ago and I'm no longer an awkward teenager being led around the country by his parents.  This is me with siblings and cousin (local) in HCMC circa 1999.


This will also be Tramanh's first visit ever and I'm super excited.  So excited that I've resurrected this blog in order to chronicle the trip as well as a personal project I've created for myself during the days leading up to our departure. 

My plan is to travel 3 cities in 9 days throughout Vietnam with all of my belongings packed in an North Face Heckler backpack.


Moving to Seattle has forced me to shed many of my material posessions due to our small living space.  Through this forced lifestyle change I've grown to embrace being more thoughtful about the things that I own.  My closet is smaller, more versatile, and of much higher quality as a result.  Traveling with only a backpack will also allow me to haul all of Tramanh's luggage with my both of my hands if need be.  This will be useful if we are in a situation where we require two free hands between the two of us, such as in running away from Communists (just kidding maybe not) or scrambling to an airport gate.

I'll be posting everything going into this bag with reviews in the next few weeks, then live-blogging from Vietnam each day during our trip.

Here go hell come.

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